Saturday, August 30, 2014

Saturdays Online: Families Lost and Found

A sad story to report of Families Lost and Found, or more to the point Families LOST.

Old photographs preserve family history, which means all of our History. I remember reading that one of the major impacts of photography was that grand children were able to see the grand parent as young people and realized the lives they had in the past.    Before Photography everyone's grand parents (and maybe even their own parents) were just OLD.

The link reminds us to perhaps, get into your very senior Aunt or Uncle so-and-so's attic or basement and search for your Family's past.  And please don't throw away your history, even if the keeper of that history doesn't think it matters.

And a good story from Families sometimes Found.  If you read through "Forgotton Old Photos" you often see that people in the photos can be identified and sometimes connected to living relatives.

So I'll end with Family Friends:  Christopher and Blanche Blenman on their Wedding Day sometime in the 1920's (you can tell by their clothing).  He may also have gone by the name George.  I have both in my records. And if there are any Blenman's still out their in Brooklyn, NY.  I may have a photo of your grand parents.  Please get in touch.

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