Finishing up Father's Italian Campaign with his photos of the Basilica at Pisa.
I have no idea what type of camera he used. If anyone has any idea what camera a WWII American soldier would have carried, Please let me know.
For gorgeous photos of Basilica visit I Love Old Cameras, a new blog I'm following......

The leaning Tower is in the background. I decided NOT to retouch my Father's original photos.
As they say, 'there are no atheists in a fox hole' I also have the New Testament and Book of Psalms that my Father carried into battle.
It's great to see these old shots and compare with the later ones, you can see that they have cleaned up the facade of the Duomo in later years. Glad you didn't retouch your Dad's originals, it gives them an authenticity. Thanks for the link.
ReplyDeleteJust realised I added nothing to your question about what type of camera. Tricky one, a lot of soldiers managed to get hold of old German cameras, but some of the US forces may well have had Kodaks. I take it you have scanned the print rather than the original negative? If so, is this the whole print, or is it slightly narrower. The ratio of width to length does not look quite right for 35mm, looks slightly too narrow.
ReplyDeleteYes, I scanned the photos, although I do have a few negatives. My father was careless with these types of things, so I have what I have.
ReplyDeleteThe prints are 5.5 X 9 cm; the negatives are three sizes: 4 X 5.5 cm, 5.5 X 6.5 cm, and 6 X 8 cm. I did match the 6X8 cm with Pisa, so the negatives are a bit larger than the actual prints if that makes any sense? So I am assuming that the 6X8 cm camera was my fathers, and that the other photos were taken possibly with some one else's camera.
I guess start with the negative.