Wednesday, April 27, 2016

52 Rolls Week 16:52

Working with the Holga Special Effects Lens set:

Click Here to see all the details for Week 16.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hope You Were Out Shooting!

We had two photographic options This weekend.  Today was Worldwide Pinhole Day and Doors Open Denver.  Last year we missed Pinhole Day due to a rain out.  This year we were able to do both, AND I also had a concert this weekend........Way over booked!

My choice was ultimately the Holga Pinhole, because I am also doing Holga for the 52 Rolls Project.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

All My Pinhole Options!

I have toooooo many choices.  Check in later to find out which cameras I actually used.


Lower Center: Holga Panorama Pinhole

Top: Ondu 6X7 Pinhole (Adjustable)

Botton: Zero Image 6X7 Pinhole (Adjustable)

And if you are planning for next year, take a look at these Vermeer Pinholes.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Getting Ready For Worldwide Pinhole Day!

Tomorrow is Worldwide Pinhole day.  Get out and Shoot!

And it's not too Late to find an Event near you.  Just click on the Link above.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

52 Rolls Week #15

A Mixed bag of shots with the Woca:

Here a preview of Double Exposures to come.  Just finished an entire roll  of them.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Kitchen and Box Car for the Denver & Rio Grande

Car # 04255 was a Kitchen Car Restored at the Museum.........

And details from a Boxcar.........

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Details from Engine 491: Lessons Learned

Note to self, always take a photo of the front of the Engine so you can identify it later........This I did not do for Engine 491.  However, it had a unique pipe system which allowed me to identify it later:

Some information on Engine 491, and if you look closely you can see the pipes.......

Engine 491 was our first stop inside the Museum and I got really caught up in the gears, machinery and textures:

Friday, April 15, 2016

Engine 191 and the Galloping Goose

Engine 191, a vintage 1880's narrow gauge locomotive (oldest surviving engine in Colorado),  flanked by two examples of the Galloping Goose.  Click on the links for more historical information.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Saturdays Online: Engine 5629 & Heritage Railroads

One of the last of its kind in service, Engine 5629:

Needing some scale I included a photographer (below).  These wheels were ~ 5 feet in diameter.

Details of the lubricating system below:

Start here to checkout links to your Local Heritage Railroads.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Ending the Week.......

With the End of the Train..........

I've had a busy week at a conference....and dozens of great images from the Railroad Museum to edit.  So I'm finally on track to start my posting in earnest: Caboose 49.

A selection of three Cabooses from the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad.

If you Google the Caboose # you'll get a link to it's history....e.g. Caboose 0578

In fact all Engines and Cabooses have unique numbers that you can search on the web for more information.......

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

52 Rolls Week #13: At the Colorado Railroad Museum

I took the Holga along to the Colorado Railroad Museum.......

Click Here For more Holga Images.......Stay tuned on the Blog for More Mamiya 645 Images.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Saturdays Online: A Note On Wanton Destruction!

Just as we care about our wildlife and wouldn't want to cause unnecessary damage to the environment.  It would have been 'nice' if this editor from the Farm Security Administration hadn't been so arrogant as to think he knew what should be preserved for posterity.