Saturday, January 2, 2016

Saturdays Online: Holga vs Woca? What's the Difference?

I have both a Holga and a Woca:

Holga....All Plastic including the lens.  For a Summary of Holga Models check out this blog.

The Woca, a version with a cheap glass lens.  Nominally supposed to be sharper.  Hmmmm, I should probably test that theory since I have both.

Hope your New Year is off to a great start.  In the next week we shall review my Photo Resolutions from last year, and set new ones for this year. What are your photographic goals for 2016?

By the way, Not too late to join the 52 Rolls Project.

Also, here's another 52 Week Photography Challenge.  I'm going to try to combine them both.......I fid that I work best when I have clear objectives/assignments.

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