Sunday, September 18, 2016

Raptor Education Foundation Needs Your Help

The Raptor Education Foundation needs your help to fund a new Eagle Aviary.  They are adopting a juvenile eagle that has become imprinted on humans and cannot care for himself in the wild.  Read his story HERE.

Since he is a healthy bird he needs an aviary to be able to Fly. Please help him turn into a beautiful Symbol  for Our Country:

(Note:  The bird above is a current resident.  
Click on the link above to read the newest Rescue's story).


  1. Beautiful photo. I wish I could get close photos like that of the eagles around here. I've got to check out the aviary.

  2. Unfortunately most of the Birds at the Foundation are permanently disabled and can't really fly. So we are able to get close to them. Birds for the photo shoots are the ones least bothered by humans and they are all cared for by handlers.

    Our photo club arranged the original photo shoot. If you have a Raptor Rescue nearby, they may have photography days that are relatively inexpensive. They charge professionals a lot more than they charged our photo club.
