Back in the saddle again! Sort of. I have restricted activities for three more weeks. But of course if it snows for New Year's I'll find a way to get out the camera gear.
Looking forward to playing with my new old camera. My darkroom should be done soon. I'll post photos of it. Warning: It's really just a roughly converted basement bathroom!
Back to regular posts in the New Year!
A Blog About Film Photography and Film Cameras: Traditional, Experimental, and Alternative Processes.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Looking forward to a Peaceful and Bright New Year!
Click Here for more Holiday Lights....... At the Denver Botanical Gardens
Donald's Pix,
Holiday Lights,
Hospital Hiatus,
Nikon D-40
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Hospital Hiatus: New Camera Find
So as you read this I will be in the hospital for my cancer surgery..........
And I leave for you a little Christmas "Gift" in advance. My mother, who likes to hide things, has turned over to me her Aunt's Camera. She remarked that next time she would bring me her mid-1930's camera. Why the delay, it just how my mom is!
Back to our subject, lucky for me it had 5 exposed frames from the mid-1930's. Hopefully I will be able to develop this. A question for you all, what best approximates Kodak Pyro developers (listed as Eikonogen or Hydrochinon). Maybe they still exist.
But on to the Camera, probably a pretty common one: The Kodak Vest Pocket Autographic
This model was produced from 1913-1926. i have no idea exactly when Aunt Lenora purchased it. If you know of a way that I can trace the serial number let me know.
The Camera is in fine shape, the case, not so great.
Here you can see the shutter (silver tab) release and focusing crystal. Also note the back slot cover on the right ear. This is the "autographic" window. Using the attached stylus (visible to the right of the cover) you could write on this special photo paper the photo information, such as date, time place, exposure.
Here a somewhat unfocused close-up of the crystal and shutter release.
So especially let me know about potential developers. As it turns out I can still get 127 film from Efke. Also there are a few places that cut-down 120 film to fit. But at $8.49, Efke is the cheapest, so I'll try it first.
I'll be back on line live Christmas weekend.....But look for my Christmas Eve Holiday posting.
And I leave for you a little Christmas "Gift" in advance. My mother, who likes to hide things, has turned over to me her Aunt's Camera. She remarked that next time she would bring me her mid-1930's camera. Why the delay, it just how my mom is!
Back to our subject, lucky for me it had 5 exposed frames from the mid-1930's. Hopefully I will be able to develop this. A question for you all, what best approximates Kodak Pyro developers (listed as Eikonogen or Hydrochinon). Maybe they still exist.
But on to the Camera, probably a pretty common one: The Kodak Vest Pocket Autographic
This model was produced from 1913-1926. i have no idea exactly when Aunt Lenora purchased it. If you know of a way that I can trace the serial number let me know.
The Camera is in fine shape, the case, not so great.
Here you can see the shutter (silver tab) release and focusing crystal. Also note the back slot cover on the right ear. This is the "autographic" window. Using the attached stylus (visible to the right of the cover) you could write on this special photo paper the photo information, such as date, time place, exposure.
Here a somewhat unfocused close-up of the crystal and shutter release.
So especially let me know about potential developers. As it turns out I can still get 127 film from Efke. Also there are a few places that cut-down 120 film to fit. But at $8.49, Efke is the cheapest, so I'll try it first.
I'll be back on line live Christmas weekend.....But look for my Christmas Eve Holiday posting.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Debris from Failed Tunnel (Holga)
Another view of Yankee Doodle Lake, showing the debris pile from the failed first attempt to tunnel through Rollins Pass.
Black and White,
Colorado Passes,
Going Off Road,
Plastic Cameras
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Opinions regarding this camera?
Someone is offering me a mint condition:
Canon Rangefinder IIS E-P with f1.8/50m lens
Wouldn't know what to offer them. Any ideas?
Also is it worth having?
Canon Rangefinder IIS E-P with f1.8/50m lens
Wouldn't know what to offer them. Any ideas?
Also is it worth having?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Holga Goes Off Road
I usually throw a Holga in the Jeep, because after all it doesn't take up much space. We'll take a look at a few familiar places through the 'eye' of a Holga.
First the Stamp Mill at Peru Creek, taken with the Holga Panorama Pinhole........
First the Stamp Mill at Peru Creek, taken with the Holga Panorama Pinhole........
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Welcome New Blooger Friends!
Yes I notice you. But I only do official Welcomes at increments of ten, so at 40 you get your formal greeting........
Ancient Forests,
Black and White,
Mamiya 645,
Medium Format
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Driving Near the Edge
Headed towards Mt McClellan along the old railway grade.
It's amazing what people used to do for fun, and where they were willing to live to mine gold and silver.
But the view from the top was spectacular, looking down into the Peru Creek Valley.
Donald's Pix,
Going Off Road,
Nikon D-40,
Peru Creek,
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Peru Creek in B&W
The Tram Station. Compare to color.
I think Ghost Towns and Mines lend themselves to Black and White.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunset on the Holiday Weekend.......
Sunset on the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend, with a hello to Advent:
St Joseph's Franciscan Mission on the Mescalero Apache Reservation, New Mexico.
It was closed when we arrived, but next year hopefully photos from inside.....
And yes, the sun is actually setting behind us!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Quiet Weekend at Home
Quiet Holiday Weekend for us. We don't participate in the wrecklees spending spree taht kicks of the Christmas buying season........
Instead let's revisit a cabin at the Golden, Colorado Historic Park.
Black and White,
Minolta SRT-202,
Sunday, November 21, 2010
East Rollins Pass B&W
Earlier in the summer we had traversed the east side of Rollins Pass. On that trip I only shot B&W.
Here a Fisherman enjoys Yankee Doodle Lake, below Rollins Pass.
Named Yankee Doodle Lake because the railroad reached this point on the 4th of July.
The pile of rock in the background is the result of a failed attempt to build a tunnel through to the west. Hampered more by a lack of money than engineering.
Here a Fisherman enjoys Yankee Doodle Lake, below Rollins Pass.
Named Yankee Doodle Lake because the railroad reached this point on the 4th of July.
The pile of rock in the background is the result of a failed attempt to build a tunnel through to the west. Hampered more by a lack of money than engineering.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
2010 Pine Beetle Update
The Pine beetle infestation is actually past its peak now. But that means we have lots of Lodge Pole Pines to cut down for fire prevention.
Rollins Pass is above Winter Park, which was devastated by the Beetle. On our late summer trip there we saw many areas clear cut of the dead forest
Rollins Pass is above Winter Park, which was devastated by the Beetle. On our late summer trip there we saw many areas clear cut of the dead forest
Ancient Forests,
Colorado Passes,
Pine Beetle,
Rollins Pass,
Friday, November 19, 2010
Top of the Pass
Looking from the trestle towards the top of the Pass. It was too dark by the time we got there to photograph much. But that leaves us with a return trip next summer, since the pass is snowed in now until at least early June 2011........
Colorado Passes,
Donald's Pix,
Nikon D-40,
Rollins Pass,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Back in the Saddle Again: At Rollins Pass
Rollins Pass was the original trail across the Indian Peaks to Middle Park. At 11,660 (3554m) it was never an easy journey. Wagons began crossing the Pass in 1862, and in the 1870's John Rollins constructed a toll road, The Old Boulder Wagon Road. This was superceeded by a temporary railroad line begun in 1902 and completed in 1904. Conditions for work crews were so bad that they were paid the outrageous wage of $3.43 per day to work through the winter.
This is a view of the Riflesight Notch. The collapsed area in the middle of the image was the location of a tunnel. East bound trains came through the tunnel, circled around the mountain, and crossed the railroad trestle heading towards the top of the Pass.
This was the highest railroad traversed pass in America until it closed in 1928 with the completion of the 6.2 mile long Moffat Tunnel.
Swiss designed Mallet locomotives were the only type that could traverse the sometimes > 4% grades. Four to five locomotives might be used to cross the pass. In winter each train was preceded by a rotary snow plow. But sometimes they were still trapped at the top in in snow tens of feet deep. See modern rotary snow-plow videos.
This was my semi-final roll of E100GX. I still have one more roll left and three more photos to shoot. Then I will put E6 film to rest and probably never shoot it again.
More from Rollins Pass later this week...........
Monday, November 1, 2010
What's Up?
My husband has been trouble shooting my blogging computer with some mixed findings. Some of my memory had gone bad and was causing random performance problems. Hoping to have things up and running again by the end of the week.
I know, EJ will say not to fix things until they are completely non-functioning. That advice was apparently not taken here, eventhough I had relayed it.
I know, EJ will say not to fix things until they are completely non-functioning. That advice was apparently not taken here, eventhough I had relayed it.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Rededicated to B&W
A stream along the Boreas Pass Road:

I realized this week that I had three years of unscanned Colorado Photos. Mostly B&W. So I'm catching up. I also have tons of California still unscanned. If my scanner wasn't dead before it wil certainly be getting a workout over the next few months.

I realized this week that I had three years of unscanned Colorado Photos. Mostly B&W. So I'm catching up. I also have tons of California still unscanned. If my scanner wasn't dead before it wil certainly be getting a workout over the next few months.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Faith on Film: San Juan Batista, Lincoln, New Mexico

Located on what was regarded as the 'most dangerous street in America' in 1878. But the little Catholic Church saw it all and survived.

Faith on Film,
Kodak E100GX,
Mamiya 645,
Medium Format
Friday, October 22, 2010
Weekly Volcano # 43: Newberry Volcano

The Paulina Lakes and resort are a main feature of the Newberry Volcano. Located in the Oregon Cascades, South East of The Three Sisters Volcanoes which we have seen before.
ENC-II Film,
Minolta X-700,
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Scanner Down
My scanner has decided to malfunction. Looking into the cost of repairs, But just incase I want to replace rather than repair, do any of you have scanner suggestions?
Anyway, I think I have enough scanned to last until the end of the year. I'll have to dig out my old 35mm slide scanner.
Anyway, I think I have enough scanned to last until the end of the year. I'll have to dig out my old 35mm slide scanner.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fall River Valley, RMNP

Front Range Colorado,
Mamiya 645,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Last Week's Volcano: # 42, Cerro Chame

Because I didn't post one last week.........Cerro Chame, western Panama, is part of the old volcanic core of the Isthmus.
ENC-II Film,
Minolta X-700,
Panama Series,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Maroon Bells Fall

Independence Pass leaves you in Aspen on the west side. We decided to look for the 'infamous' Maroon Bells. Infamous, not only for being one of the deadliest climbs in Colorado, but also photographically a terrible cliche. The light was fading, but Don persisted anyway. For more Maroon Bells click on the link.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Fall Travels in Colorado

A couple of weekends ago we drove across Independence Pass. This week we'll look at that trip. A paved road, so not exactly off road. We had our first dusting of snow in the mountains last night, so the pass may be closed now.
Colorado Passes,
Donald's Pix,
Nikon D-40
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Weekly Volcano # 41: Farming on the Flanks of a Volcano

Farming on the north flank of Volcan Baru, Panama. good soil, but unfortunately it destrys the already fragile Cloud Forest.
ENC-II Film,
Minolta X-700,
Panama Series,
Friday, October 8, 2010
Catch-Up Volcano # 40: Mt Adams

I still have one more post for this weeks volcano. Now I've caught up!
Here we see Mount Adams, Mt St Helens lesser known neighbor.
Sorry I'm still stuck with the old upload interface. Is anyone else still having this problem?
ENC-II Film,
Minolta SRT-SCII,
Minolta X-700,
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Catch-up Volcano #39: Bedtime at Augustine
Taken from our camp just below the summit at 10:00 PM.
In late summer the sun does eventually go below the horizon, but the sky stays bright all night.
ENC-II Film,
Minolta SRT-SCII,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Catch-Up Volcano # 38: Piton De Nieges

Decided to continue the Volcano Series even though I missed a couple of Weeks.
We return to Reunion Island, with a view of the morning fog at Piton De Nieges, the extinct volcano.
ENC-II Film,
Minolta X-700,
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